Dos and Don’ts of Renovating a Rental While It Still Has Tenants
12 July 2023

Dos and Don’ts of Renovating a Rental While It Still Has Tenants

Renovating a rental property while tenants are still living in it requires careful planning and open communication. In this blog post, we will explore the dos and don’ts of this challenging process, ensuring a successful revamping without straining the landlord-tenant relationship.

Effective communication is key: inform your tenants well in advance about the renovation plans, addressing the timeline, scope, and potential disruptions. With a clear plan in place, prioritize tasks strategically, scheduling renovations during off-peak times to minimize inconvenience.

Do Communicate with Tenants in Advance

Open and clear communication with your tenants is vital when renovating a rental property. Start by informing them well in advance about the renovation plans, allowing them ample time to prepare. Clearly communicate the timeline, scope, and potential disruptions they might expect. Consider offering incentives or compensation for any inconveniences caused by the revamp.

Additionally, experts from advise you to seek input from professional movers about storage options to minimize disruptions further. Transition smoothly by discussing the benefits of temporary storage solutions for tenants’ belongings during the revamp process. You can maintain a positive landlord-tenant relationship throughout the revamp project by proactively communicating and addressing their concerns.

brown wooden ladder beside painting materials

Start with a thorough renovation plan when renovating a rental property.

Don’t Start Without a Clear Plan

Embarking on a renovation without a clear plan can lead to unnecessary complications and delays. It is essential to create a comprehensive renovation plan before you start. Begin by assessing the property’s condition and identifying the areas that require attention. This will help you prioritize tasks and allocate resources effectively. To ensure a smooth revamp process, consider hiring professionals or contractors who specialize in rental property renovations.

Their expertise will help you navigate potential challenges and deliver high-quality results. Transition logically by explaining how a well-defined plan minimizes disruptions and sets a clear path for the renovation journey. By starting with a solid plan, you can avoid costly mistakes and ensure a successful outcome.

Do Schedule Renovations Strategically

When renovating a rental property, strategic scheduling is crucial for minimizing disruptions. Take into account the lease agreement and legal requirements, ensuring that renovations comply with regulations. Choose off-peak times to schedule renovations, considering the convenience of your tenants. By collaborating with them to find a mutually suitable renovation schedule, you can minimize inconveniences and maintain a positive landlord-tenant relationship.

Transition smoothly by explaining the importance of revamp planning during periods when lessee occupancy is lower. This approach reduces the impact on their daily lives and allows for smoother progress. By scheduling renovations strategically, you can achieve a successful revamp while prioritizing lessee comfort.

a minimalist design of a contemporary apartment with white and wooden furniture

During the remodeling process, ensuring tenant security and comfort should come first.

Don’t Neglect Tenant Safety and Comfort

Ensuring tenant safety and comfort should be a top priority during the remodeling process. Don’t neglect these essential aspects. Take necessary measures to prioritize their well-being, such as proper ventilation, dust control, and compliance with safety regulations. Transition smoothly by explaining how maintaining tenant comfort throughout the remodel contributes to a positive landlord-tenant relationship.

Communicate with your lessees regularly to address any concerns or issues they may have. Consider implementing strategies to minimize noise and disturbance, such as scheduling noisy tasks during off-peak hours. You create a conducive environment for a successful remodel experience by prioritizing lessee safety and comfort.

Do Offer Temporary Accommodations if Necessary

In certain situations, it may be necessary to offer temporary accommodations to your tenants during the modernization. Assess the scope of the project and consider alternative housing options if the living conditions become uninhabitable. Transition smoothly by discussing clever small space storage solutions that can make the place more spacious and comfortable for your lessees.

Explore short-term rental options or negotiate with nearby hotels for discounted rates. Keep the lines of communication open and work collaboratively to find the best solution for everyone involved. You demonstrate your commitment to tenant satisfaction and minimize disruptions by offering temporary accommodations when needed.

Don’t Overlook Legal and Insurance Considerations

When renovating a rental property, it’s crucial not to overlook the legal and insurance aspects. Familiarize yourself with local regulations, obtain the necessary permits, and ensure compliance with lessee rights—transition logically by emphasizing the importance of updating your insurance coverage to protect against renovation-related risks.

Engage legal counsel if needed to navigate any legal complexities that may arise. Addressing these considerations protects yourself and your lessees from potential disputes or liabilities. Take the time to review and understand the legal and insurance requirements before starting the modernization to ensure a smooth and legally compliant process.

handyman renovating a rental and installing window frame with a drill

Regularly inspect the property for any problems that need fixing.

Do Address Maintenance and Repairs Promptly

Addressing maintenance and repairs promptly is essential when renovating a rental property. Regularly assess the property for any issues that require attention. Transition smoothly by explaining how promptly addressing maintenance and repairs during the renovation process contributes to tenant satisfaction. Develop an efficient system to manage repairs while the remodeling is ongoing.

Prioritize lessee concerns and ensure that any issues are resolved in a timely manner. By promptly addressing maintenance and repairs, you demonstrate your commitment to maintaining a safe and comfortable living environment for your lessees while safeguarding your property’s long-term value.


Renovating a rental property while tenants are still in place requires careful planning and consideration. By following the dos and don’ts outlined in this article, you can navigate the renovation process successfully while maintaining a positive landlord-tenant relationship. Communicate openly with tenants, providing them with advance notice and incentives for any inconveniences caused. Develop a clear renovation plan, ensuring tasks are prioritized strategically.

Prioritize tenant safety, comfort, and legal compliance throughout the process. If necessary, offer temporary accommodations and address maintenance promptly. By adhering to these guidelines, you can renovate your rental property effectively, enhancing its value while keeping your tenants satisfied.