4 Quick and Easy Ways to Clean Your Rental Property
Maintaining the cleanliness of a rental property is a must for every owner, as discerning tenants often use it as a basis for moving in. Unfortunately, not every renter shows the same kind of care when they reach the end of a lease and move out.
Many rental properties end up in a state of disarray, to the point that owners have to be protected with security deposits. Although this covers big stains and extensive damage, elements like dirt, grime, and mildew are not included. As such, it’s up to the owner to return their property back to pristine condition, ready for its next tenant.
It may seem like a daunting task to do, but fortunately, there are ways to make the process easier. If your rental property is in need of a good cleaning, here are a few tips that may help.
Use The Power of Baking Soda
Many owners assume that cleaning a rental property requires heavy-duty chemicals to address the last tenant’s stains and dirt. In reality, owners don’t have to look any further than their own kitchen supplies. Baking soda is a powerful cleaning agent that can tackle markings and dust on various surfaces. It can remove ink from walls and grime from bathroom tiles. It can even unclog a drain and cut through kitchen grease, making it useful for almost every single room in a property.
It’s harsh against waste, but it’s also safe for food, so you won’t have to worry about precautions commonly associated with cleaning formulas. Just mix half a cup of baking soda with a bucket of warm water, and you’re set to clean throughout the place.
Clean With The Help of Technology
Cleaning is a tiring business, as well as very time-consuming. Luckily, there are devices out there that can do the heavy lifting for you. To illustrate, smart cleaning appliances like robot vacuums are programmed with sensors so they can navigate around the place independently and safely dodge any impediments in their way.
A lot of models automatically return to their docking stations to empty out their bins and charge. Most of these appliances work well with hardwood floors and tiles, but some are also equipped to handle carpeted surfaces. These automated gadgets are meant to make clearing up dust and dirt easier around the property so that you can focus on other cleaning tasks and save time.
Ask Help From Property Management Services
Regular maintenance is essential to keeping your place speck-free, as faulty amenities can cause damage to the property. However, this requires a hands-on approach that many property owners can’t always afford to do. Hiring property management services is a quick and reliable way to lessen the burden and ensure your property is kept in great shape. They’ll conduct regular inspections to determine whether maintenance is required and handle repairs if needed.
Additionally, they offer a tenant selection process to screen potential renters in the area and evaluate which ones will be responsible for your property. To put it in perspective, 45% of households in Nevada are renters. This may seem like a lot, but these services will be the ones to handle it for you. With their help, you’ll have less to worry about, and your property is guaranteed to be kept clean.
Install an Air Purification System
Air quality is something people often overlook, but it can significantly impact those who will be staying at your place. There’s plenty of dust in the air, along with allergens that can be harmful to a person’s health. Installing an air purification system filters out pollutants floating around, making it easier to breathe.
It also eliminates any unwanted odors and kills allergens that may trigger asthma or other respiratory conditions. Additionally, it can fight off viruses that can cause diseases. By getting an air purification system, you’re creating a cleaner and healthier environment in your property for you and your future tenants.
Owning property requires a lot of upkeep, but it doesn’t have to be hard. Follow the tips above to make your rental property a clean and comfortable place to live in for its next tenants.