It takes both the landlord and tenant to maintain a healthy and smooth relationship in the rental engagement. Both parties should fulfill their obligations to each other and hold themselves responsible for liabilities. Tenants are entitled to a safe and secure home. The landlord must strive to do everything possible to ensure their property is safe and that other essential requirements that are part of the warranty of habitability are fulfilled.
First, Let’s Understand Tenant Responsibilities
Tenants have their share of responsibilities. Some of these general tenant responsibilities include:
1. Paying the rent
The rent should be paid on time as stipulated in the lease agreement.
2. Paying all utility bills
As a renter, you should expect to pay the following bills: electric, water, gas, internet, cable, sewer, and trash. You may also need to pay for a parking spot and trash valet when you’re renting an apartment.
3. Keeping the interior in good repair
The cost of improvements to the property such as repainting the kitchen or redecorating a loft is usually the responsibility of the tenant.
4. Not subletting the property
You must not sublet the property without the landlord’s consent.
5. Not damaging the property
It is your obligation not to damage the property and fixing any breakages you may cause.
6. Allowing the landlord to carry out inspections
The landlord should be permitted to do a periodic inspection of your unit to check its condition.
7. Ensuring good behavior of guests
Behaviors of guests that can cause disturbance or inconvenience to others on the rental property are your responsibility.
Meanwhile, What are Tenant Liabilities?
The items discussed above are responsibilities, which are things tenants are required to do as part of a job, role, or obligation. Tenants also have certain liabilities, which when not fulfilled are subject to repercussions, especially legal. Tenant liabilities are legally enforceable claims on the property or assets of a business of the tenant. Liabilities result from a breach of duty or obligation by act or failure to act.
Loss, Injury, or Damage
People who rent a property are liable for any loss, injury, or damage to any person or property caused by their act or of their employees or agents. An example of this is a negligent act that may cause an accident resulting in property damage, such as a fire. The tenant shall reimburse and defend the Landlord from and for all liability and costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) resulting from any injury or damage due to the act of the tenant or other persons on the rental property.
If you are a tenant who wants to protect yourself against legal liabilities from unforeseen accidents, it is prudent to purchase insurance that covers the loss or damage you cause. You may list your legal liability to only cover losses caused by the perils of fire, smoke, explosion, and leakage from fire protection equipment. This insurance is different from a tenant’s content insurance content policy which covers your own possessions within your unit. You have to purchase this policy separately.
Potential Liability or Loss
Any condition or defect affecting the rental property that the tenant could foresee resulting in liability or loss should be reported immediately to the Landlord by the tenant through a written notice. This notice must be given within 24 hours after the tenant knows of the condition or defect that could potentially affect the rental property.
We are a leading Las Vegas luxury real estate company that can help you acquire valuable properties in Las Vegas and anywhere in the United States. We also deal with Las Vegas property management and Henderson property management. We can monitor and deal with potential landlord liabilities and help manage tenant liabilities for you.