Tenant’s Guide to Sustainable Living: Eco-Friendly Practices in Your Rental
20 September 2023

Tenant’s Guide to Sustainable Living: Eco-Friendly Practices in Your Rental

Sustainable living means adopting a lifestyle that reduces an individual’s environmental impact by making conscious decisions in daily routines. It’s about ensuring that our actions today don’t compromise the future. For tenants, sustainable living is becoming a priority, particularly during relocations.

Adopting eco-friendly practices in your rental can significantly minimize waste and energy consumption, leading to a healthier environment and potential savings on utility bills. However, tenants often encounter several challenges in implementing these practices.

Some may find their rental properties aren’t equipped for green modifications, while others might struggle with landlords who aren’t supportive of these changes. Nonetheless, with increasing awareness and accessibility to resources, more renters are finding ways to lead sustainable lives in their rental homes, benefiting both themselves and the planet.

Eco-Friendly Practices in Your Rental: The Essentials

Opting for a property incorporating green features is a proactive step. Look for rentals with energy-efficient appliances, efficient insulation, and solar panel installations. Eco-friendly practices in your rental can significantly minimize waste and energy consumption, leading to a healthier environment and savings on utility bills.

Your landlord can be a valuable partner in your pursuit of a sustainable lifestyle. They can implement significant eco-friendly modifications, such as setting up rainwater collection, energy-efficient HVAC systems, or opting for green materials during maintenance.

Keep clear communication with them to foster this partnership. Discuss your green initiatives and ask how they can assist in making the rental property more eco-friendly. Together, consider ways to decrease energy use, cut down on waste, and lessen the overall environmental effect. These fundamental choices lead you to a more sustainable rental experience that benefits not just you but the entire community and the planet.

Two people standing by a van with cardboard boxes.

While relocating, reuse the cardboard boxes.

Green Moving: Relocation Tips

Transitioning homes offers an optimal time to integrate sustainability into our routines. Go eco-friendly from the beginning and make a tangible impact on the environment. The first step in this process is selecting the suitable movers.

The significance intensifies for interstate relocations, like the lengthy 800-mile transition from Washington to Nevada. Such extended moves can significantly affect the environment. To mitigate this, reach out to experts, hire interstate movers committed to green practices, and diminish your environmental impact.

Another effective strategy is to utilize sustainable or recycled packing materials. Reuse cardboard boxes and repurpose old newspapers and cloth for wrapping valuables. The key to a successful green move is to minimize waste at every stage. Plan carefully, donate what you don’t need, and limit your use of disposables. This way, your relocation not only becomes smoother but also eco-conscious.

In the hand of a young man holding a power cord to unplug unused appliances to save energy save money

One of the best eco-friendly practices in your rental is preserving energy by unplugging unnecessary electronics.

Energy-Efficient Choices: Lighting and Appliances

Optimizing energy usage in homes doesn’t require significant overhauls. Here’s a simple guide to help create an energy-conscious environment:

  • Switch to LED Bulbs: Unlike traditional incandescent bulbs, LEDs consume a fraction of the energy and last much longer. They offer the same luminosity but are significantly more energy-efficient, which can lead to reduced electricity bills.
  • Invest in Energy Star-Rated Appliances: These appliances meet strict efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Whether it’s a refrigerator, washing machine, or oven, choosing Energy Star-rated models ensures using less energy without compromising performance.
  • Unplug Electronics: Many electronics continue to draw power even when turned off. Commonly referred to as ‘phantom loads,’ this can add up over time. Make it a habit to unplug devices when they’re not actively in use. It will make your home safer and lower your electricity bills.

By adopting these practices, you can actively participate in reducing your carbon footprint and promoting a greener living environment.

Smart Water Usage in Your New Home

Conserving water is an integral part of adopting eco-friendly practices in your rental. Swapping out standard faucets and showerheads for low-flow alternatives can substantially reduce water usage without compromising water pressure. It is a cost-effective way to minimize wastage. Consider installing a tankless water heater in the house. Unlike traditional ones that keep a continuous hot water supply in a 50-gallon tank, consuming energy constantly, tankless water heaters heat water only as needed, precisely when needed.

Also, regularly inspect your rental for leaks. Even minor ones can waste gallons of water over time. Repair them promptly to save water and prevent potential damage to the property.

If you enjoy cultivating indoor or outdoor plants, consider watering them early in the morning or late in the evening. It minimizes evaporation and guarantees that moisture reaches the roots effectively.

These water-saving practices contribute to a more sustainable living environment with the added advantage of reduced utility bills.

A phone with a recycle sign on top of a bag.

Recycling helps out the environment immensely.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: The Sustainable Approach

In the quest for a more environmentally responsible lifestyle, adopting the time-tested mantra “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” holds immense significance.

Recycling is at the core of sustainable living. It transforms used materials into new products, reducing the demand for virgin resources.

Repurposing old furniture within your rental is both eco-friendly and creative. Consider giving these items a new lease on life instead of discarding them. Simple refurbishments, like a fresh coat of paint or reupholstering, can transform old pieces into unique, sustainable decor. Repurposing minimizes waste and infuses your living space with character and history.

A company that prides itself on its commitment to green practices, Hansen Bros. Moving & Storage recommends renting storage units to store items and furniture for future remodeling or DIY home improvement projects. They note that this will protect these valuable pieces, preventing them from taking up unnecessary space in your living quarters while they await their metamorphosis.

Investing in reusable products is another crucial aspect of eco-friendly living. It spans a wide range, from reusable shopping bags and stainless steel straws to cloth napkins and refillable water bottles. These choices reduce the consumption of single-use plastics and disposable items, lessening the environmental burden of landfills and plastic pollution.

Eco-Friendly Cleaning Products: A Safe Choice for Both You and the Planet

Conventional cleaning products, often laden with harsh chemicals, pose hidden risks to our health and the environment. They release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that contribute to indoor air pollution and can lead to respiratory issues and allergies. When rinsed away, these products can find their way into water bodies, harming aquatic ecosystems.

Choosing eco-friendly cleaning alternatives is a smart move. Natural cleaning solutions from vinegar, baking soda, and lemon are safe and effective alternatives. They tackle grime and stains without the toxic residue left by conventional cleaners.

Making DIY products to clean your rental property is rewarding for those who prefer a hands-on approach. By using readily available, eco-friendly ingredients, you can concoct powerful and environmentally gentle cleaners for your rental.


As you contemplate the numerous advantages of embracing eco-friendly practices in your rental, it’s clear that small changes can yield substantial benefits. You will contribute to a healthier living environment and save on utility bills by reducing energy consumption, repurposing items, and choosing the right cleaning products.

Moreover, your eco-conscious choices can inspire others. Encouraging fellow tenants to adopt these practices fosters a community dedicated to sustainability. Together, you create a ripple effect that extends beyond your rental, making a more significant impact on the planet.

As you settle into your new rental, envision a future where sustainable living becomes second nature. A greener tomorrow is within reach, and as a conscientious tenant, you’re an essential part of that promising journey.