9 Safety Tips for Landlords for the Holidays
17 January 2023

9 Safety Tips for Landlords for the Holidays

Now that the holidays season has started, it is a good idea to check on your rental properties to make sure they are safe and secure. Expert safety tips are always helpful, as are regular maintenance checks and reminding your tenants of the important safety rules in their lease agreement. This will make the holiday season more fun for everyone.

Here are the top nine safety tips for landlords that our team of property management experts from Las Vegas shared.

1. Check all of the building’s safety equipment for holidays.

Whether you own a property with multiple units or rent out a single-family home, you need to make sure that all the safety equipment is in good shape in case of an accident or other emergency. When running these safety equipment checks, here are some things to keep in mind:

Smoke detectors

Carbon monoxide detectors

Extinguishers for fires

Lights for emergencies

Generators ( you have them)

It might be time to change the batteries in the detectors or get rid of all the old safety gear. Also, make sure to write down what you replaced and when you did it so that you have a clear record of the last time you checked everything.

2. Check for Dangerous Conditions on the Property: 

Another way to make sure your tenants and their holidays guests are safe and keep you from getting into expensive legal trouble is to make sure you check the rental property carefully for any dangerous conditions that could be dangerous. For example, even one loose handrail could cause someone to fall and get hurt badly. You should watch out for the following:

  • Uneven or broken pavement
  • Uncovered wires
  • Leaking pipes or puddles
  • Sinking roof or damp walls
  • Broken locks, doors, or windows
  • Pests like rodents or bugs
  • Mold is another environmental toxin.

In addition to making sure your tenants are safe, keeping an eye on potentially dangerous situations can help keep your property from getting damaged and needing expensive repairs in the future.

3. Ask your renters if they plan to be away.

During the holidays, a lot of people go home to see their families. This could make your rental property more likely to be broken into. Ask your renters to let you know if they are going to be out of town for a long time. This will help you stay on top of things. To make sure the building or rental home is safe, you can keep a closer eye on it or work with a professional property management company in the area.

Also, tell your tenants to make sure that all the doors and windows are locked before they leave. To stop “porch pirates,” you may also want to remind your tenants to stop their mail or ask someone to pick up their packages while they are gone.

4. Make rules for decorating for the holidays

Holidays decorating is a fun tradition that many people take very seriously. But if you do not do it the right way, going overboard can cause a fire. Set rules about how tenants can decorate the rental property to help avoid these dangers and keep everyone safe.

For example, do not let people plug in more than one cord to the same outlet. Also, it may be against the law to light real candles that are bigger than a certain size. As a landlord and property owner, you can make clear rules about the safety of Christmas trees and outdoor lights, like turning them off when you are not there or when you go to bed. Remind your renters that these rules are meant to keep them, their families, and their guests safe.

5. Remind tenants about occupancy limits

As a landlord, it is your job to follow tenant security codes, like making sure your rental property does not have more people living there than it can hold. Holidays parties are a part of the season, but it is important to let your tenants know that they can not have more than a certain number of people in the rental space at the same time. This includes hallways, balconies, and other shared areas. You could also send a reminder to your tenants before the holidays so they can plan their parties accordingly.

6. Get ready for the weather to get colder

Most of the time, it gets colder during the holidays season. Depending on where your rental property is, you may need to make changes or do inspections to get ready for the changing weather. Here are some things you might need to do:

Clean out the gutters to keep property damage from happening.

Make sure the heater and generators work.

Tell tenants how to avoid frozen pipes and if they might happen.

Remind tenants that driveways and paths around the property can get slippery.

On some winter nights, it can get below freezing even in Henderson and Las Vegas. Keep these things in mind and give your tenants tips on how they can stay safe in the winter.

7. Tell your tenants what to do in case of an emergency(Holidays).

Before the holidays, when you do your inspections and give your tenants safety rules, it is a good idea to give them important information about what they should do and who they can call in case of an emergency. A plan for an emergency might have:

Where the exits are in case of an emergency

What to do if something bad happens

If the fire alarm goes off, where to go

Contact info that is important

Address and directions to the nearest hospital or emergency room

8. Put limits on the things you use during holidays

During the holidays, family and friends get together to eat together. But this also means that some renters might go all out when buying appliances for their holiday dinner party. If you do not know how to use them right, turkey fryers, crock pots, hot plates, and other kitchen appliances can be dangerous and even cause fires or burns. Because of this, it might be smart to set rules about what can and can not be used in the kitchen.

Also, think about other appliances that you use in the winter, like space heaters or fake fireplaces. Ask your tenants to make sure they follow all fire code rules when using these appliances and to never leave them unattended.

9. Hire a professional to take care of your property

Working with a property manager has many benefits, such as making it easier to talk to tenants and having professionals do thorough safety checks specially for holidays. A property manager can tell your renters about your safety tips and make sure that all of your rules are followed during the holidays.

The Triumph property management team helps Las Vegas landlords get the most out of their rental properties by providing a wide range of services, such as property maintenance, tenant communication, advertising, thorough tenant screenings, collecting monthly rent payments, and enforcing policies on your behalf. Contact our property management team today for a consultation to learn more about what we can do for you.