18 November 2016

Dealing with Squatters in Las Vegas

Squatting has become an enormous problem in Las Vegas. More and more people are now claiming squatting status, meaning the lines become somewhat blurred as to who is a tenant and who is a squatter. This can become time-consuming, stressful and expensive.

There are solutions, though – some of which we’ll explore over the course of this article. First, we should have a clear idea as to what constitutes a ‘squatter’; the legal definitions that allow law enforcement officials to act when they need to.

What is a squatter?

An unscrupulous tenant is not the same as a squatter. You may think, for example, that a renter who does not pay rent is a squatter. But this is not how the law sees it. An unscrupulous tenant, meaning a tenant who does not pay their rent, is subject to legal proceedings as set down in the lease agreement.

There is no such lease agreement with squatters. Squatters are inconvenient trespassers on the property of another person. However, some squatters present with what appear to be legitimate lease papers. This can prove to be time-consuming for law enforcement officials, as they’re obliged to check these papers to validate, or invalidate, their authenticity.

In summary, renters have rights to remain within the property, insofar as legal proceedings are concerned, whereas squatters have no legal standing whatsoever. These definitions are important because it’s through these definitional lenses that law enforcement officials assess each individual case.

What can property owners do?

Property owners, then, are faced with quite the predicament. Given that Las Vegas is teeming with potential and actual squatters, it’s incumbent upon property owners to take the necessary steps to avoid this now common problem. In that regard, there are two clear avenues that property owners can take to ameliorate this concern.

First, owners should give the impression that the property is occupied. This may sound like an obvious step, but you’d be surprised just how many owners don’t take this precaution. It involves parking cars in the driveway, leaving lights on, and even asking neighbors to check on the property on a daily or twice-weekly basis.

This is the first wave of protection. These steps act as deterrents, telling potential squatters that this isn’t the property to target. It’s also surprisingly effective. However, there have been cases in which this protection wasn’t enough, with squatters pursuing properties that give this false impression of occupancy.

Hiring a property management firm

Prophylaxis isn’t always enough, sometimes the disease just happens to creep through. If this happens to be the case, property owners should contact law enforcement. They are experienced officials who can quickly differentiate between legitimate renters and unscrupulous squatters.

Sometimes – based on the nature of the squatter – other legal avenues need to be pursued. But these avenues can prove time-consuming and stressful, particularly if you’re required to be in town when the situation is being dealt with. There are other routes you can take, though, to take this burden off your shoulders.

Triumph has years of experience in dealing with squatters, removing their presence before it becomes a long-term and costly problem. And you don’t even need to be in town for the problem to be resolved. This is a total solution in eliminating the threat that squatters pose to your property.

If you’d like to learn more about how Triumph can help you with squatters, contact (702) 367-2323 for more information. Alternatively, you can fill out our online contact form here.