It’s that time of year again; what seems like never-ending preparation. Whether it’s buying gifts for children, family or friends – or whether it’s preparing the endless meals; the festive season can be a stressful, expensive time of year. Of course, that’s without mentioning how to best prepare your home for the festive season. Today, we hope to at least ease the problem; seven affordable, great ways to prepare your home.
First things first, we need to talk about clutter!
#1 Cleaning up
The festive season can be messy at the best of times. Weeks before the season begins, you should take the time to clear your home. After all, the festive season brings in a tonne of extra items – whether from presents, decoration or food – that only serves to worsen the problem. It also makes the home that much more difficult to run. Try to avoid keeping items for sentimental, needless reasons. If you don’t need it, bin it. You can then, at least, begin the new year without the hassle and stress that clutter invariably brings with it.
#2 Food, food, food!
Whether we like it or not, the festive season can be unpredictable – very unpredictable! Often, we never know what’s going to come around the corner. We hope to have enough food in the fridge and freezer, only to discover that we’re missing some extra cake at just the wrong time. That’s where the freezer comes in. By defrosting food when you need it, you’re not relying on the best before date. It means you can stock up on food and prepare your home for the festive season.
#3 Think outside the box
It’s too easy to only think about the home. Yes, the festive season is about the home but it’s too easy to neglect what’s going on outside the home. Given how long the festive season lasts – and it appears to start earlier and earlier with every passing year – it’s critical we don’t forget about the outside of our home – particularly the gardens. There’s nothing worse than having to spend hour after hour, in January, recovering the damage to your gardens over the festive period. Don’t let the damage build up – prepare in advance.
#4 Staying stocked
We talked about the need to stock food, but it doesn’t stop there. We also need to think about cutlery, crockery and accessories such as napkins. Also, relatives might stay over longer than you envisaged – that one extra drink turning into a night of entertainment. Are you, then stocked up for any entertainment options and accessories? If not, make a list of everything you might need and get down to the shops and stock up. Better being prepared and overstocked than unprepared and understocked.
#5 Don’t forget the restroom
With friends and family coming around, the last thing you need is for them to enter an unclean and unprepared restroom. It doesn’t take too long to give the restroom a once-over – not only in terms of cleanliness but also in terms of supplies, such as tissue, too. You’ll be surprised how many times family or friends come around, who then decide to use the bathroom, only for the owner to realise they hadn’t the room best prepared. Save the embarrassment, stay ahead and keep prepared.
Triumph Property Management is the leading property management company in Las Vegas. Be sure to check back to our Las Vegas property management blog for more great top tips on how best to prepare your home for the festive season.